Thursday, October 11, 2012

Why I travel

I write this after endless hours staring out a bus window crossing the country of Colombia.  44 hours on three buses in 2 days, breakdowns, delays and a lot of patience testing.  Why do I do this?  Why do I give up so many comforts and almost everything I know to be at the mercy of others that I am struggling to understand.  The reasons why came to me so much easier than one reason why not.

I travel to discover the world around me.  I am one small droplet in the ocean of the world and my country is one small piece of this big separated puzzle.  There are plants, animals, fruits, mountains, deserts and so many more landscapes that I never imagined existed in my small corner of the planet.  Now, here they are challenging me to climb them, eat them, smell them and appreciate them in all their beauty.  I try my hardest to take it all in.

I travel to put my life in perspective.  I have it good, really good.  I was born to a middle class family in the United States.  I never questioned a good education, food on the table for every meal, a doctor when I was sick, a warm bed and everything I could want or need available to me.  This is a dream to so many and taken for granted by me for most of my life.  Its difficult to truly appreciate this until you meet the people who dont have it.  The child begging on the street corner who probably hasn't had a meal in days and sleeps on the ground in a dirt hut who's only dream is to go to school and have a chance at making something of his life.  The woman who sells produce in the hot sun for 10 hours a day to hopefully make enough money to bring food home to her children that night knowing that she will probably do this the rest of her life.  I see these situations and so many more walking down the streets in the countries I see.  Does it make me uncomfortable? Sad? Angry? Discouraged?  Yes, at times but in reality this is life.  Real, raw reality. This is life for these people and although I see it as much less than ideal, it is all they know.  They will spend their life struggling to obtain the unobtainable which in reality is what we are all doing whether that is in the dirt on the side of the road in a third world country or a high rise office in New York City.  Through travel, I have been privileged enough to get to see others living and truly appreciate all that I have and what little I really need which has nothing to do with money.

I travel to be forced out of my big comfort bubble and into this wild, crazy world.  When I leave my country and arrive in a new place, somewhere flying over some ocean, I am part of a self-induced inner stripping of all that I am used to.  When I step into a new country, I must be open to all that they have to offer me.  Culture, people, food, music, language and lifestyle are being offered up but I must be open and have a big space inside me to absorb it all.  Learning about a new way to prepare a meal, I cannot be thinking how it "should be done," and instead appreciating this different way that has worked so well for so long.  I did not leave my country to be the same person with the same thoughts and judgements in a new place.  I am here for their culture, history and way of living and my old ways will probably be waiting for me if I decide to accept them when I return home.

I travel to meet people. I am privileged enough to have amazing friends from all over the world.  Traveling friendships are usually very brief and much more genuine and raw.  You dont have much time together, but a day or two friendship can seem like years.  You explore new places together, or are lucky enough to learn a city through the eyes of a local.  You learn about people's countries, languages, family and visions on life.  People share ideas and thoughts, find commonalities and differences and learn more about the world.  Every destination has the potential for a lifetime friendship in 24 hours or less.  I have the deepest gratitude for the friends I have through travel thus far and look forward to so many more that I have yet to meet.

I travel to challenge myself.  How much discomfort can I handle?  How will I get to points A, B and C with a language barrier and no knowledge of the area.  Laying on the beach is wonderful, but its also easy.....too easy for me.  I justified my current beach visit after two days of bus travel.  The more difficult it is, the more it is appreciated.  That can apply to anything, but travel especially for me.  The more difficult and different the better.  With every obstacle I overcome, I am empowered to challenge myself to more.  This confidence permeates to every aspect of my life and brings with it new and exciting possibilities for the future.

I travel for all the reasons that I have yet to discover.  The more I travel, the more I grow and learn about myself.  I look forward to having the opportunity to embrace every new adventure to come with the most gratitude for the privilege of being welcomed to new and wonderful places and meeting equally wonderful people.

"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." -St. Augustine