Friday, June 11, 2010

Prague- well i didnt get robbed!

I feel like it has been so long since I have had a chance to put my thoughts down. I think there is so much going on that I dont know where to begin. Its the procrastinator in me. Well my first thoughts on Prague changed a lot by the end of the day. I was really uneasy about the city, but after meeting some good people in the hostel I wasnt so sketched out. I wasnt robbed as I assumed was just going to happen. I pretty much said good bye to my valuables and surrendered to the inevitable that never happened. So Prague was fun. Lots to see and of course lots of history. The largest Castle in Europe, tons of jewish history, absinthe.... "When in Rome..." is my new traveling motto. The Jewish synogogues, museums and old jewish cemetary were especially disturbing. I was in shock seeing the rooms and rooms of victims names on the walls, childrens pictures from concentration camps, and the thousands of decrepit tombstones. It made me think of Darfur in Sudan and the modern day genocide going on that so many know nothing about. Those thousands being killed will never have memorials, museums, or proper burials. And with the way things are going now, most will never know that they existed or perished in such terrible conditions. is a great website and non-profit. Ignorance is not bliss.

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