Well 1 week down in Germany. It has been comfortable and wonderful. Wolfgang was kind enough to skip University all week just for me, or so he claims. We took a trip to Frankfurt today, I have been to 2 of his friends birthday parties, met so many people, and seen a lot of the city. It is strange to understand so little that is being said. I understand almost no German still, and honestly dont plan on it, but I watch TV and movies in German, listen to Wolfi talk to everyone in German, and have people attempt to speak to me. I am used to it and it does help you pick up non-verbal signals from people but I still feel like I miss out on really meeting people because of the language barrier. I really have no choice but to get used to it and I have been warned that it will get worse, especially in Italy and France where they really love their own language and english is not as common. As I frequently space out while others speak German, I have decided to learn Spanish. I am embarrased that I only speak one language and spanish would definitely be useful in the states and future travels to South America(on the list!). Now that I have said it, I must do it. I am fascinated by bi-liguals, tri-liguals and more. Wolfi has more than once challenged my english and accused me of making up words. FYI-after dictionary references, I have been correct every time. More importantly, I want to be that person so comfortable with a second language that I can question a native speaker.
Well enough with my obsession with languages. I appologize but I am completely fascinated. Tomorrow we will be attending an African fair/exhibit/something of the sort in Mainz. I have been loving Annies african meals of beans and rice per my request and I hear there is more to be had tomorrow, like chapati-one of my favorite african foods which is a fried flat bread sort of thing. Along with the African fair is a Night of the Museums where all museums in town are free and open until 2am. Free, Africa, Museums....sounds great!
I have plans to travel to Hamburg and Cologne next week, part of that with Wolfi. Then back to trains, hostels, and a new city every few days. I have about 10 cities and less than a month to see and travel to them all. Im loving relaxing but also getting anxious to be on the move and see some shit!
I will leave you with a little story and hopefully a laugh....I arrived at the train station here of course carrying my big pack on my back and my day pack in front, yeah thats a sight in itself:) Well I get to the bathroom which of course you must pay for. I dig for coins, get the correct amount, and drop one on the ground. Let me note that there are about 7-10 others in the small area. I quickly reach down to pick it up and lose my balance with all the weight. I barely catch myself before almost completely tipping over again. As I am catching myself for the second time I trip on my feet and thankfully tip into a wall. I dont know if I could have gotten up had I fallen. A little embarrasing at the time but I would have paid to see that! Another lesson learned, if I drop something less than 2€ dont even try, otherwise proceed with extreme caution.
LOVE the pictures, thanks!
ReplyDeletePrincess Brandiwine featherbottom, I'm so glad that you are doing this blog... I miss your smiling face around here, but I'm so happy that you're getting to explore so many places and cultures. I look forward to reading your adventures to come. Be safe!